- Robert Redford Character (Tom Booker)
- Kristin Scott Thomas Character (Annie MacLean)
- Sam Neill Character (Robert MacLean)
- Scarlett Johansson Character (Grace MacLean)
- Dianne Wiest Character (Diane Booker)
- Chris Cooper Character (Frank Booker)
- Cherry Jones Character (Liz Hammond)
- Ty Hillman Character (Joe Booker)
- Kate Bosworth Character (Judith)
- Austin Schwarz Character (Twin #1)
- Dustin Schwarz Character (Twin #2)
- Jeanette Nolan Character (Ellen Booker)
- Steve Frye Character (Hank)
- Don Edwards Character (Smokey)
- Jessalyn Gilsig Character (Annie's Assistant Lucy)
- William 'Buddy' Byrd Character (Lester Petersen)
- John Hogarty Character (Local Tracker)
- Michel Lalonde Character (Park Ranger)
- C.J. Byrnes Character (Doctor)
- Allison Moorer Character (Barn Dance Vocalist)
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