- Johnny Depp Character (Rango (voice))
- Isla Fisher Character (Beans (Voice))
- Ned Beatty Character (Tortoise John (voice))
- Bill Nighy Character (Rattlesnake Jake (voice))
- Alfred Molina Character (Roadkill (Voice))
- Abigail Breslin Character (Priscilla (Voice))
- Claudia Black Character (Angelique (voice))
- Timothy Olyphant Character (The Spirit of the West (voice))
- Ray Winstone Character (Bad Bill (voice))
- Stephen Root Character (Doc / Merrimack / Mr. Snuggles (voice))
- Harry Dean Stanton Character (Balthazar (voice))
- Ian Abercrombie Character (Ambrose (voice))
- Gil Birmingham Character (Wounded Bird (voice))
- James Ward Byrkit Character (Waffles / Gordy / Papa Joad / Cousin Murt / Curlie / Knife Attacker / Rodent Kid (voice))
- Blake Clark Character (Buford (voice))
- Keith Campbell Character (Sod Buster (voice))
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